2021 WINTER NEWSLETTER: News From Our Executive Director

Dear PEBCC community, 

Nearly a year since our singers last stood side by side in rehearsals and performances, we’re seeing signs of renewal and hope as we move toward spring. Our community elders and essential workers are getting vaccinated in increasing numbers, public schools are carefully contemplating re-opening to some in-person learning, and we are measuring hope with continuing to care for each other by wearing our masks and social distancing. 

Our dedicated and energetic Board of Directors continues to steward our organization in effective governance, engaged fundraising, and preparing for strategic planning. Throughout the spring, they will be actively reaching out to interested and nominated individuals to join our board and board committees focused on ensuring our singers’ success and the continued excellence of PEBCC. Please reach out to Board President Poppea Dorsam at president@piedmontchoirs.org or me at kbutkevich@piedmontchoirs.org to find out more about how to serve this amazing community. 

Some of our upcoming strategic planning efforts are getting underway this spring as we prepare for the planning process by surveying our singers, families, donors, alumni, and extended community. From conversations in our Parent Town Halls, those words you’ve shared in selfies, by sending your hearts into the office during our Valentines appeal campaign, and the survey link included in this newsletter, we’re working to articulate our Core Values and build upon the 38-year legacy with renewed vision and continued creativity. 

In my first four months as your Executive Director, I’m grateful to have begun connecting with the community in our virtual spaces and have cherished the opportunity to do interviews with our singers, getting to know some of our artistic partners, chatting with some of our donors and parents, and finding creative ways to connect with each other. Still, I cannot wait until we can convene again so I can meet many more of you. I look forward to those informal conversations at events and rehearsal pickups, sitting in Ms. Anne’s Kindergarten choir rehearsals playing games with our youngest singers, and celebrating our graduates on stage as well as in car-caravans.

Our staff, board, and COVID committee are all working diligently to ensure a safe return to singing together in person and will be sharing plans for parent feedback once they have been approved by the Board and confirmed by the Alameda County Health Department. We expect things to reopen carefully, methodically, and in stages, guided by science and with the same concern and love for our families and extended community that has always been core to the Choirs. I am happy to connect with you to hear your thoughts and ideas around this and any other issues you would like to share. Thank you to those who have already provided leads and potential resources for us to consider in returning to gathering – and singing- safely and joyfully.

May this spring bring continued safety and health to you and yours, and expanded hope to us all.

In harmony,


Heather Saulnier