Day 11 - Oceanogràfic and concert with Coral Juan Batista Comos

We met this morning at the conservatory and then were off to Oceanogràfic!  The Oceanographic is the largest complex of its type in Europe.  The architect, Félix Candela and the engineers Alberto Domingo and Carlos Lázaro designed this impressive structure, one many have seen for it was where the movie "Tomorrow Land" was filmed. This includes a dolphinarium and a  ocean tank with sharks, rays and other fish and much much more!  This entire complex was built on top of  what use to be one of the main rivers in Valencia. Years ago, when this part of Spain flooded, the river diverted and the complex actually was built along the original bed. 

Walking there, everyone was overly anxious to get inside an air conditioned building. Choruses of, "it's hot," were clearly heard as we walked out few blocks!  

They all really enjoyed their time exploring the aquarium and then a majority of them made it to the dolphinarium where there was a little show. 

Following our visit there, we went back to the conservatory for an enormous and delicious meal of shrimps, muscles, salad, olives, tomatoes, and then paella!!!!  We were stuffed and much in need of a fiesta. Many of our singers went home with their families and those that didn't, stayed at the conservatory and had a nice place to rest in an air conditioned room, before rehearsal and concert. 

The joint concert went off very well. Both choirs sang individually and then they performed their combined pieces at the end of the concert. As was said by many, this was an unforgettable night, one they will always remember!   

The night came to an end with a great meal provided by the parent club. All the singers had a blast playing games and talking and laughing, then a majority of them went off to a free opera, in one of the buildings in the complex we were at today. Looking forward to hearing about this tomorrow!!!

As for now, it's time for bed!

Click through the slideshow below to view some highlights from today:

Tate Bissinger