Day 9 - San Juan de Gaztelugatxe, Beach and Concert

We earned our siesta today!!  We woke up to muggy with slightly gray skies and met at the music school where we all loaded up on the bus to head to San Juan de Gaztelugatxe. Gaztelugatxe is an islet on the coast of Biscay. It is connected to the mainland by a man-made bridge. On top of the island stands a hermitage (named Gaztelugatxeko Doniene in Basque; San Juan de Gaztelugatxe in Spanish), dedicated to John the Baptist, that dates from the 10th century. 

We climbed about 250 steps to the top. The rainbow array of shirts was a neat sight to see for everyone went at their own pace, climbing stairs to the top that resembled a section of the Great Wall of China. Success!  We all made it to the top, bonus, Austin and Aidan ran up and down 4 times!!!  Apparently it's good luck if once you get to the top, ring the bell three times and make a wish, it is suppose to come true!  Those who made it to the top first rang the bell and you could hear it all the way back to the beginning of the climb. Hope everyone's wishes come true!! 

We enjoyed the 360 view of the ocean and caught our breath. Many pictures and selfies to look forward to, along with great stories of our great adventure when they come home!!

On the way back down, Bob and a few lagged behind a bit, for he found a great opportunity for a quick dip in the Atlantic!  He was in heaven!  The temperature was very pleasant and it was fun to be able to jump in!

We had the hardest part of the hike left, hiking back up to the bus!  Once we reached the top, snacks and water couldn't come out of backpacks any faster!  

On our way back to Leioa, we stopped off at a little beach town. About half the choir took their shoes off and ran in the water, chasing waves. Aidan bought a whole baguette to snack on, others found ice cream and snacks and then we were back on the bus to meet our host families for a nice leisurely few hours before our final combined concert at the church. 

The acoustics in the church were alive as alive could be.  Leioa Kantika Korala began the program with several numbers and then we followed with "Magic Wand," " Aalloilla," "In Terra Pax," "Sure On This Shining Night," "Ikiaiku," and then "You're Gonna Miss Me."  We closed the program singing three joint pieces, "Ave Maria," "Segalariak," "Rise, Shine, Little Light."  Several audience members were in tears hearing our singers sing "Segalariak" in their language. It was a very beautiful concert all in all. There was a great sense of pride felt by everyone too!  Not a bad way to end this leg of the trip.   Both choirs celebrated with a catered dinner hosted by Kantika Korala and then were off to spend whatever was left of the day with their families for one last time before we leave early tomorrow morning.

Click through the slideshow below to view some highlights from today:

Tate Bissinger