Day 5 - Joint Rehearsal, Shopping & Concert

Today we met at Auditorium AXA for a joint rehearsal with Copenhagen Girls Choir and Cor Vivaldi for tomorrow night's concert. They sounded great! 

Following the rehearsal, the kids had their dream day! They spent from 1 to 4:30ish SHOPPING, along with eating some really good gelato!

We congregated on the lawn for a brief rehearsal outside in the mall plaza and then began our journey to the Sant Pau del Camp, a 1,000 year old monastery. 

They had a joint concert with the Copenhagen Girls Choir for a packed audience. It was very well received! All the singers were pleased with their concert and had a good time hanging out a bit with the Copenhagen girls.

The late concert led to a late night, and they happily went home with their homestays. Good thing for a later start tomorrow!

Buenas noches por ahora!

Click through the slideshow below to view some highlights from today:

Tate Bissinger