Day 6 - Joint Rehearsal, Time with Homestays, Final Concert for Barcelona

Our extra, more leisurely morning was just what most everyone needed. Everyone showed up for our joint rehearsal at 10:00 in preparation for tonight's Te Deum concert. 

After the rehearsal, kids did various things.  Some of them reported back with stories of their adventures.  Torin, Jeroen, and Carmen went to a Japanese restaurant with their host family, and then the got some ice cream. It was a little bit fancy, but they had good sushi.  Alma and Emily went back to the house to have lunch, while Alma took care of some emails. Their host family's grandma has a chicken restaurant and that's where they went. Sarah Jane and Julie went to the beach! The water was a little cold at first, but once they were in, it was fine! Olivia W. had paella with her homestay family and she taught her homestay little 9 year old sister how to play "Hello" by Adele on the piano, and then she taught the two kids how to play the game "Spoons!" It was lots of fun, and lots of laughs! 

Everyone returned to the AXA Auditori for their sound check. There was time to relax afterwards and some activities included hair braiding, card games, and some napping before they got dressed and into their seats.

The concert went quite well. We shared the stage with Cor Vivaldi and Copenhagen Girls Choir. Our set consisted of "Magic Wand," "Aalloilla", and "Sure On This Shining Night." The energy was great, and I think our kids were pretty proud of their performance. We then did a combined piece with Cor Vivaldi, singing Gustav Holst's Ave Maria, which was beautiful. Following that piece, we had intermission, and then all three choirs were on stage for "Te Deum!" 

Coca cake and hugs were had at the end and we were all off for our evening events. A very good way to end our stay in Barcelona, I would say! On to Bilboa! Arriba!!!!!

Click through the slideshow below to view some highlights from today:

Tate Bissinger