Day 7 - Adios Barcelona i bienvenido a Bilbao!

We met Xavi, our bus driver, at the school where Cor Vivaldi meets and rehearses, and had some emotional goodbyes. We all had a great time staying with these families and created many good memories that will last a life time. 

The kids loaded up on the bus and we were off on our all day bus adventure to Bilbao! We had a nice rest period for the first half of the bus ride and stopped off in the small town of Zaragoza, the capital of northeastern Spain's Aragon region, for a delicious buffet lunch, and celebrated Marisa Rahl's birthday! All the kids were in heaven with the array of food that they were offered, and were even more excited when they were able to serve themselves their own gelato, as well as dip some delicious cream puffs in a chocolate fountain. Following lunch, the kids were able to have about an hour and a half to explore the town. There were lots of nice little souvenir shops, but, unfortunately, they all just about closed for their mid afternoon nap, just at the time we finished our lunch... Many still took in the sights, and spent some time walking through the beautiful Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar. This cathedral is a famous pilgrimage site with a shrine to the Virgin Mary and multiple domes. One of the many fascinating things about this basilica is that during the Spanish Civil War, two bombs hit and damaged the basilica but neither exploded. The event was reckoned a miracle, and the defused bombs have been on display at the basilica premises ever since. If you look up in the ceiling, you can see right where those bombs hit.

Once everyone was gathered from their mini adventures in Zaragoza, we loaded back on the bus for our remaining 3+ hours until we reached Bilbao. Loaded up on snacks and some sugar, the remaining bus ride wasn't as quiet as the first half, but that was fun. Lots of singing, fun, and games until we reached our destination where our host families were to meet us. We arrived a little ahead of schedule, but the members of Kantika Leoia choir showed up shortly. Smiles, hugs and kisses, and of course, a joint song, Segalariak. They were all thrilled to begin their adventures with their new family for the next few days.

Chaperones were back on the bus, dropped off luggage at our hotel, and then walked down to the beach for a sunset dinner on the Atlantic. Loving this place already!!

Click through the slideshow below to view some highlights from today:

Tate Bissinger